A Complete Guide to the RAK Free Zone Visa

Ras Al Khaimah free zone has been one of the country’s largest free zones. It provides significant benefits to businesses that establish themselves there. To establish a company or operate in the RAK free zone, you must obtain the necessary permits, one being the RAK free zone visa.
In this post, we’ll walk you through the various visa kinds and the application procedure in layman’s terms, so you’re prepared to join the RAK free area.
Types of RAK Free Zone Visa
Acquiring a RAK free zone visa is the most critical step in your business life in Dubai and the remainder of the UAE’s region of free zones. The first category is a resident visa, which must be secured by the principal party intending to remain in Dubai or the employees intending to remain in the nation.
Residence Visa
- Investor Visa – An investor visa is required if you are financing a business or a stakeholder. These are available for a period of up to three years. Departure from Dubai for more than six consecutive months automatically revokes the visa. It is not necessary to apply for a free zone investor visa to invest in real estate in the UAE or to locate a local supporter in the nation to get the visa.
Investors who meet certain requirements may be able to get a visa that allows families to live in the United Arab Emirates for a short time. They can apply for a multiple-entry visa that allows them to stay in the country for a long time. These visas must be renewed every 6 months and can be used for real estate in several emirates.
- Employment Visas – To operate in the UAE, company managers, workers, and staff must apply for employment visas. As with investor visas, they are valid for three years and need a minimum stay of six consecutive months outside the UAE to stay valid.
It must be approved by the UAE Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs before an employee can get a work visa from the immigration department, which gives them to people. An employee of the organization in a free zone may be allowed to apply for permission right away without having to get permission from the government first.
Even though this makes things easier, you can’t work “onshore” on a free zone visa but if you have a legitimate UAE labor contract.
Visas for Non-residents
- Family Visas – If you’re an investor or employee in the United Arab Emirates, your family can get a visa. These things are very closely connected to the job of the person who earns the money for the family. It’s usually a good idea to get them checked every three years. People can’t refrain only from Dubai for more than six months at a time.
People who are related to the person who is applying for a visa, like parents, spouses, and kids under the age of 18, will have a visa.
- Visit Visas – These are for people who want to come to the United States for a short time. They can be former colleagues, clients, family members, or anyone else with whom the other three types of legal residents have a commercial or family-related relationship. A visit visa can be used for a single trip that lasts from one to three months, based on the visa category.
Procedure for Issuing RAK Free Zone Visa
The visa requirements and procedures for the RAKEZ are the same as those for any other free zone in the world. You must submit important paperwork to the appropriate authorities and obtain the necessary permissions. For those considering applying for a free zone visa, it is recommended that you go through the concise summary of the process provided below —
- Electronic Channel Service
The first step is to set up an account with the company that sells the electronic channels you want to use. This is an online platform that the government has set up to make the process of getting a visa as easy as possible. It makes the process easier by not having to do the same things over and over again and creating it more accessible and efficient. There is a registration fee and a remit that you must pay.
- Permission to Enter
Its next step is to get permission to come to the country or get a work visa, depending on what you need. Permits are given out fifteen days after the application has been submitted, but if you pay AED 1000, the process can be done in 7 days. During that time, the permission is good for six months. An applicant for a visa must stay in the United Arab Emirates once all of the essential measures have been taken, so they can get their visa.
- Modifications to one’s legal status
The procedure of updating the status of an entry permit is required in order to activate the permit. The first procedure is only available to those who reside in the United Arab Emirates. In order to do so, you must submit your passports to the immigration service, which will then be returned to you in 3-5 days once it has been stamped.
Suppose you are not physically available in the UAE at the time of visa issuance, then you may choose to go through the second procedure that is an out-of-country option instead. Upon entering and exiting the UAE, show your issued access to an immigration department at the terminal, who would also seal it with their initials.
Ajman Media City is the UAE’s most affordable free zone. This Freezone provides investors with a diverse selection of business operations and license kinds at a minimal cost.
There are several benefits to starting a business in a Free Zone, such as the following:
1. Foreign ownership is 100 percent.
2. Capital and earnings are repatriated in their entirety.
3. Corporate and individual income taxes are completely excluded.
4. Exemption from all import and export tariffs (although you cannot import into mainland UAE)